image description: a deer, visiting my campsite to eat the nuts falling off the trees. She is standing just across the road from me, looking at me with fearless curiosity. She stands in the grass and behind her are trees, poised at the cusp between summer and autumn.
Enough with the war on autism. Enough with the war on Autistics. Enough with the war between adult Autistics and parents of Autistic children. Enough with internal bickering and blame. Enough.
It is time to wage love.
Autism Acceptance demands love.
The world is starving for love and your pantry is full.
The same oppression that is visited upon a marginalized minority from without is enacted within that same marginalized community. I’ve seen it again and again. Every group yearning to breathe free eventually eats its own. No group of oppressed people is immune to self-immolation.
Do not mistake the oppressor as “them.” the oppressor is always “us.” The oppressed are always us. Take this knowledge and convert it to a stance of inclusive love from which to call for justice. Wage love. Always wage love.
When you can see the mass of humanity as one heart wearing many faces, you are ready. Assert your boundaries. Protect the vulnerable. Press for justice. But do not fool yourself into thinking you are battling them. There is no them.
Wage love, for there is only us.
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