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  • Physical Health  – Discussing exercise routines, chronic conditions, physical therapy, and general body health.
  • Mental Health – Conversations about managing stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues.
  • Sensory Sensitivities – Sharing strategies for coping with sensory overload, preferences, and sensory-friendly environments.
  • Sleep Health  – Exploring sleep patterns, challenges related to sleep, and tips for improving sleep quality.
  • Nutrition and Eating Habits – Talking about dietary needs, managing eating challenges, and healthy eating tips.
  • Healthcare Navigation   – Understanding how to access and use healthcare services, communicate with healthcare providers, and advocate for oneself in medical settings.
  • Wellness Routines – Establishing routines for personal wellness, including meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness practices.
  • Substance Use and Management – Discussing the impact of substances like alcohol, prescription drugs, and recreational drugs on health and well-being.
  • Therapies and Interventions  – Sharing experiences with different therapeutic approaches, such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, or psychotherapy.
  • Health Literacy – Enhancing understanding of health information, medical terminology, and how to make informed health decisions.