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  • Making Friends  – Strategies for meeting new people and forming friendships, understanding social cues, and managing social anxiety.
  • Maintaining Relationships – Discussing how to sustain long-term friendships and relationships, including communication and conflict resolution.
  • Social Skills – Developing and refining social skills like conversation techniques, body language interpretation, and listening skills. Considerations raised by the Double Empathy Problem.
  • Navigating Social Norms  – Understanding and dealing with societal expectations and unwritten social rules.
  • Online and Digital Communication  – Exploring the nuances of interacting through social media, email, and other digital platforms.
  • Dating and Romantic Relationships – Sharing experiences and advice on dating, building romantic relationships, and handling relationship dynamics.
  • Group Dynamics and Activities – Participating in group settings, understanding group roles, and managing sensory and social overload.
  • Cultural Variations in Socializing  – Discussing how different cultures handle social interactions and what that means for people who cross cultural lines.
  • Social Boundaries – Understanding and asserting personal boundaries in social contexts, and respecting others’ boundaries.
  • Support Networks  – Building and leveraging support networks, including finding and participating in supportive communities.