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  • Job Searching – Techniques for finding job opportunities, writing resumes, preparing for interviews, alternate ways of showing your ships to potential employers.
  • Workplace Environment  – Discussing the physical and social aspects of different workplaces, and what environments are most conducive to success.
  • Disclosing Disability  – Considerations and experiences related to disclosing a diagnosis of autism in professional settings.
  • Accommodations and Supports   – Exploring what accommodations can help in the workplace and how to request them.
  • Career Development  – Strategies for career advancement, skill development, and professional growth.
  • Workplace Relationships – Managing relationships with colleagues and superiors, networking, and navigating workplace politics.
  • Challenges at Work  – Addressing common challenges like sensory issues, executive functioning demands, and communication barriers.
  • Freelancing and Self-Employment  – Discussing the pros and cons of working independently, and sharing resources for freelancers.
  • Work-Life Balance  – Strategies for balancing professional responsibilities with personal life and self-care.
  • Rights and Advocacy  – Understanding worker rights, legal protections, and how to advocate for fair treatment and equal opportunities.