Autistic Author, Artist, Advocate, and Speaker

Search: “aba”

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But What About the Good ABA Therapists?

This week I ended up in yet another conversation with someone who wanted to defend ABA. He repeatedly asked us not to demonize ABA and kept dismissing discussions of the origins of ABA by saying that Lovaas is a long time ago and we can’t compare ABA to where it came from. Along the way, […]


This is a re-blog of a blog post originally made on 7 October, 2014. An edited version of this essay appears in the excellent anthology: The Real Experts: Readings for Parents of Autistic Children, edited by the incomparable Michelle Sutton and available for purchase from Autonomous Press or a library or bookseller near you (and […]

The Protective Gift of Meltdowns

I hate meltdowns. I hate the way they take over my entire body. I hate the sick way I feel during a meltdown and I hate the long recovery time — sometimes minutes but just as often entire days — afterward when everything is too intense and I am overwhelmed and exhausted and have to […]

How We Teach Disabled People to Secretly Hate Themselves

This is a re-blog of a post originally made on February 26, 2016. This blog post has been graciously translated into Russian by Neurodiversity in Russia. It’s a fancy academic-sounding term: internalized ableism. It means feeling less worthy than others, ashamed of who you are, unwilling to stand up for what you deserve, or even […]

What Does Helpful vs. Harmful Therapy Look Like?

This is a re-blog of a blog post originally made on 7 November, 2014. Content note: discussion of bad therapy, including video footage of a suffering child. About a month ago, I wrote about the types of therapies used with Autistic children. I mentioned the sorts of practices that are not advisable and what to […]

Autism Speaks Hasn’t Really Changed Anything

You can’t have missed it. It’s everywhere you look: the announcement that Autism Speaks has dropped the word “cure” from its mission statement. It’s being lauded as a great sea change in the organization’s approach to autism and a sign that Autism Speaks is finally starting to listen to the activists who have rejected the […]

Autistics Are at Greater Risk of Trauma

I am at the 2016 Association for Autistic Community (AAC) conference. During Kit Mead’s excellent presentation, Autism, Awareness Campaigns, and the Mental Health System (slides), several people mentioned the need for research supporting the idea that Autistics might be more easily traumatized. I mentioned that there has been a small amount of research in that […]

Autism and the DSM 5: Part 9: Development and Course: Part 3

Autism and the DSM 5: Development and Course: Part 3 originally published October 8, 2013 Index Part 1: Losing Your Diagnosis?  Part 2: Diagnostic Criteria: Section A Part 3: Diagnostic Criteria: Section B Part 4: Diagnostic Criteria: Section C Part 5: Diagnostic Criteria: Section D Part 6: Diagnostic Criteria: Section E and Severity Levels Part 7: Development […]

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